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Christopher Allison Ap

Christopher Allison AP, Designer of Iris Imaging Camera Systems

I strive to extract every bit of performance from these Iridology systems making the very best Iridology camera available right here.

The idea that we are Body Mind and Spirit started my lifelong journey of translating how our life experience, beliefs, genes, lifestyle, nutrition and toxic exposure, led me to become a Doctor of Oriental Medicine and then study Iridology.  

In my practice, I help people understand how the relationship between what we feel, eat, our relationships, stress, toxins, supplementation, and spirituality shapes our life experience and what we can do to upgrade our lives and experience for more joy and peace.
Designing and building Iridology systems is just a natural extension of my two loves,  "Pushing the boundaries of engineering and looking into creating more engaging, satisfying lives. 
As life is an ever-evolving process, so is iridology equipment, so expect new ideas and performance enhancements to show up from time to time.


In the meantime, I am confident you will be very pleased with this system, which truly is the best system available.

Iris Imaging Camera System
Iris Imaging Camera System
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